Welcome to the official website of Robo-Inc.

Bringing you quality products since NEVER, because we dont exist. Don't tell robot cat.

Here at Robo-Inc, we CARE about you as a customer and sometimes your safety. But occasionally, we make mistakes. Of course we do, we're human! Most of us, that is. We have heard many complaints recently about our bestselling produt, The Robot Cat, and we hear and understand your concerns. We apologize for our previous mistakes, and have made sure the employees that let the faulty models get out are not working in that part of the factory anymore (We promoted them).

If you need help on operating the Robot Cat, refer to the user manual. This comes as a bonus with the assembly instructions in 1 of every 5 packages. Didnt get it, but want to know EVERYTHING the Robo-Cat can do? You can also buy the user manual seperatly for the low price of 200,000 US dollars. However, if you buy it now, you can get it on sale for only 20! Or, you might as well buy a few more Robot Cats!

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THE NEW AND IMPROVED ROBOT CAT!.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------